Friday 11 April 2014

Fennec Fox

It is the smallest canid species worldwide. Ears fennec feature is the largest among all foxes relative to body size, and are used to dissipate heat, as have many of the blood vessels near the skin. Scientists have found that while there are similarities, there are many differences, the Fennec fox apart from other fox species, including physical and social. Vulpes Zerda, which means that the Fennec fox a fox is true and Fennecus zerda to Fennec fox shows one of his own species: It has taken two conflicting classifications.
Physically, the fennec lacks the musk glands of other fox species, and has only 32 pairs of chromosomes, while other fox species have between 35 and 39. The species also shows the unusual behavior of foxes that live in herds, while other fox species Solo. Fennec fox social behavior information, mainly based on captive animals. Play behavior is common in adults of the species. Fennec Foxes make a variety of sounds, including barking, a sound like a purring cat and a growl when threatened.

The Fennec fox is an omnivore. Food sources are rodents, insects, birds, eggs and rabbits. When hunting, fox-sized ears, as the Fennec fox, or bat ears, may seem to look at the ground while his head from side to side to locate the position of the prey, either underground or hidden in the surface. There are reports that fennec foxes climb palm trees while feeding on fruit, but some experts as unlikely relationship, unless the lower branches are for the support. The species is able to live without free water, as their kidneys may limit water loss. Fennec penetration of the formation of dew.
Fennec foxes are social animals that mate for life, with each pair or family controlling their own territory. In the wild, mating usually occurs in January and February, cubs are born between March and April. The gestation period is usually between 50-52 days, even if said period of 62 and 63 days of gestation of foxes in captivity. When born with folded ears kit and eyes closed, eyes open in about ten days, and the ears lifting soon. The life of a Fennec fox was recorded up to 14 years in captivity.

The species is found in northern Africa and Asia. A fennec typical cave dug in the sand, either in open spaces or places of plants with stable sand dunes as their ideal habitat is protected. Fennec Fox as "least concern" classified in the IUCN Red List and CITES falling as Appendix II species: species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade can be controlled in order to avoid utilization incompatible with its survive. Observations on Traders trapping fennec foxes in Northern Africa for exhibition or sale to tourists in southern Morocco, the fennec fox is commonly seen in the sandy areas of permanent settlements.

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