The spectacled bear the only
bear native to South America and, technically, the largest carnivorous
land on the continent, although only 5% of the diet consists of meat.
Largest South American carnivore Jaguar forces. Among the current South
American native animals of land just south of Baird and most serious
American tapir species. The spectacled bear is a medium sized
species of bear. Compared to the live bear, this species is more
circular face with relatively short and wide muzzle.
In some species of
the subfamily Tremarctinae dead, the facial structure is thought to be
an adaptation to a diet primarily carnivorous, although modern
preferences They herbivorous spectacled bear food "found in many regions
of northern and western America South, including eastern Panama,
western Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, western Bolivia and
northwestern Argentina. bear Users optical is known to be able to fit,
because it is in a variety of habitats and elevations throughout its
range, including forests, high mountain grasslands, dry forests and
desert scrub.
Tremarctos ornatus is commonly known in English The "spectacled bear", referring to the color of light in the chest, neck and face, which may resemble the glasses in some individuals, or "Andean Bear" for distribution throughout the Andes. Root trem-comes from a Greek word meaning "hole" arctos is the Greek word for "bear". Spectacled bear half bear species are usually filled by current American and Asian black bear and Sun bear its security alongside humans is primarily dependent on its ability to climb up the tallest trees in the Andes.
Despite being registered for food in small groups with abundant food
sources. Like other bears, mothers protect their young and denounces
poachers. In general, recent threats bear against human adult. Bear long
life in captivity at the National Zoo in Washington, DC, take life of
36 years and 8 months. Herbivores spectacled bear more than most other bears, typically
around 5-7% of their diet meat. The most common foods for bears are
cacti, palm nuts, bamboo, orchid bulbs hearts, fruit fell to the forest
floor, and palm leaves are unpacked.
Bears also eat crops such as sugar
cane, honey and corn, and is known to travel above the tree line of
berries and bromeliads. Animals victim is too low, but the bears can
expect deer, llamas and adult domestic cattle and horses. It seems that
some bears become accustomed to eating animals, but the bears are
actually more likely to eat carrion and animals that accidentally some
farmers may use optical bear killed. Because of the fear of the loss of
values, the bear died in sight.